Being green, working ethically and with suppliers who adhere to these principles is really important to me.
There are always more ways to improve but here are a few steps I take to try to make sure my business and jewellery don't negatively impact the world around us. ​
I use as little packaging - and as much recyclable packaging - as possible.
I work on a small scale and with suppliers based locally to my North London workshop - I therefore have a personal relationship with my suppliers and am familiar with their businesses and practices.
My jewellery is made from 100% recycled silver and Fairtrade Gold. Metals are sourced from Cooksongold- a member of the Responsible Jewellery Council. Cooksongold only purchase from trusted suppliers who share a commitment to ethically sourced products.
If you would like more information about the provenance of any materials used in my jewellery, please don't hesitate to get in touch.